Welcome, Mitch!
Welcome our newest team member, Mitch Deans! Mitch is the first in his family to be an aspiring architect, but he is not the first to devote his life to the field (his ancestors, being original Mormon pioneers, lived and died building the imposing grey temple that sits in the center of Salt Lake City today).
Mitch studied at the University of Colorado Denver, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Architecture in Spring of 2018. He plans to get his master’s degree and become a licensed architect.
Design for Others
His love for artwork and design extended into Nicaragua, where he collaborated with locals to design and build a community center.
Mitch is a big fan of drawing and painting, and loves to practice whenever he can. He is especially fond of pen and ink, as well as watercolor (in which he finds great joy and strife, considering how unforgiving the medium can be!)
Thanks for Reading!
08 October 2018