28 FEB 15 | catching fire!

CATCHING FIRE! I moved to Boulder to work at WORKSHOP8 two weeks after the 2013 floods that devastated many of our communities. One day shortly after I started, I sat down with Brandy with a sketch of my vision for how we could help affected communities. We made a few phone calls to some leads who might know of […]

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28 OCT 14 | lines, and tax credits, and bears! oh my!

I know, tax credit financing isn’t exactly what comes to mind for most people when they think “Ohhhhhhh, that’s exciting!” But when it helps convert good design into efficient and comfortable housing that is accessible to people from all walks of life, it’s pretty durn exciting. This summer, WORKSHOP8 was lucky to assist two mission-driven developers […]

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8 SEP 14 | rebuilding jamestown

REBUILDING JAMESTOWN Last week Joseph posted about Lycra and Lyons to advocate for the Cyclist4Lyons event happening THIS weekend in Lyons Bohn Park (music, bike riding and beer – what more do you need?!). Today, we will reflect on the 2013 floods that affected so many of our surrounding Colorado towns and tell you about one of our current projects: The […]

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28 AUG 14 | lyons and lycra

The one year anniversary of the floods that devastated numerous communities in Colorado is a couple weeks away. The storm waters destroyed homes, roads, trees and took human lives. One of the communities that was most affected was the Town of Lyons. The Town of Lyons after the September 2013 floods. Photo from the Times Union. […]

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