The Denver Art Museum recently sent out a request for proposals for a 2014 Summer Installation in DAM’s main plaza.
WORKSHOP8 had fun pulling ideas from all over: Geodesic domes, metal tubing walls, undulating green topography, tape webs- we covered it all!
After lots of brainstorming and filtering, we pulled together our ideas and materials to come up with the theme “Summer is!”

View north towards front entrance from plaza.
From our submittal:
“Summer is… Sunshine! Water! Camping and hiking! The stars! There is so much to love about the season of pool days, the mountains and sunblock. Some of WORKSHOP8’s best memories of summer in Colorado have been centered around a campfire, telling stories and making friends. For our Denver Art Museum proposal, we want to know… what is YOUR summer story! The public and visitors will be invited on June 7-8 to help build camp “fires” and kick-off the museum’s summer installation. Participants are encouraged to write their summer memories and favorite summer pastimes out on green ribbon and tie them to one of many bright orange rays.
Once all the campfires have been installed, the community is encouraged throughout the duration of summer to write down what “Summer is…” to them and tie their story onto the orange rays. We hope that by the end of summer, the installation will be a beautiful and fun representation of what summer is to the community.”