8 MAR 14 | the art of construction

You may already know that my favorite aspect of my job at WORKSHOP8 is marketing, and specifically blog posts. I like sharing what WORKSHOP8 is up to. I like posting photos and images of our projects. And I especially love when I get good feedback from you. Hint, hint.

Today I get to do something even better than talk about WORKSHOP8, and that is to share some of Sarah McKenzie’s paintings. Sarah has an opening this Friday, March 14th from 7-9 PM at David B. Smith Gallery in Denver. The show is only up until April 12th, so if you can’t make it to the opening to hang out with us, please make an effort to stop by in the next four weeks.


Egress, 2013, 30″ x 30″, oil and acrylic on canvas

I’m curious if you have ever had the thought that a construction site is beautiful? I haven’t, but I LOVE Sarah’s paintings of them. She says, “I am interested in the connection between the construction of an architectural structure from raw materials (lumber, steel, concrete) and the construction of a picture from raw materials (paint, canvas, wood).”


Park, 2014, 42″ x 63″, oil and acrylic on canvas

Sarah “cares deeply about making paintings—physical objects—with which the viewer will have a direct, visceral relationship and response.” When we are making architecture or designing an interior space, we are striving for the same thing.


Well, 2013, 30″ x 30″, oil and acrylic on canvas

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Transitional at David B Smith Gallery opens on Friday, March 14th, with a reception from 7 to 9 PM. The exhibition will run through April 12th.

1543 A Wazee Street, Denver, CO 80202

Sarah McKenzie has been painting transitional architecture for the past decade. Until 2010, her paintings focused primarily on construction sites. More recent canvasses depict windows, thresholds, and doorways. Emphasizing geometry, pattern, and surface, McKenzie’s paintings hover in a zone between stark realism and abstraction.

More of Sarah’s work:




All images used by permission of Sarah McKenzie.